Meet Randy Aldworth

"Blue culture is a key differentiator for MCAP in the mortgage marketplace because it really shifts the paradigm on what a mortgage transaction looks like."

Randy Aldworth, Vice President, Lender Relations.

Learn more about Randy

With a foundation on MCAP’s frontlines, Randy Aldworth’s knowledge of the business runs deep. For nearly 25 years, Randy has been a part of the MCAP team, moving from the contact centre to project-based roles before getting into management and leadership. “As long as I’ve been at MCAP, I still feel like I’m constantly learning new things,” Randy shares about his journey. “The company is continually evolving, changing, and growing. I really do feel like I grew up with the company.”

The company is continually evolving, changing, and growing.”

He is currently the Vice President of the Lender Relations team and is responsible for the management and growth of MCAP’s Residential Mortgage Outsourcing line of business – a line that has become more of a corporate strategic focus for MCAP over the past few years.

To be a good leader, you need to be honest and open.

When it comes to leading and developing a successful team Randy highlights the importance of honesty, approachability, and being a good listener. “To be a good leader, you need to be honest and open,” Randy explains. “Telling people the truth, sharing information, and communicating what’s going on in the organization as well as any changes that might impact their role, builds our relationship, and alleviates the anxiety of the unknown.”

Blue Culture to me really is all about building real connections, real relationships. And the subservicing business is truly a relationship-based business.

Relationship building is a key component in Randy’s role within MCAP and in working with subservicing partners. Whether it’s connecting with his team on a human level or interacting with subservicing clients, some of whom have been with MCAP for decades, he recognizes that each interaction matters. “Blue Culture to me really is all about building real connections, real relationships. And the subservicing business is truly a relationship-based business,” Randy shares. “A lot of what I mentioned earlier about being a good leader comes down to building Blue Culture in those relationships with our subservicing partners. It is about listening to their needs, understanding their strategic direction, and being their true expert partner to help them achieve their long-term goals.”

I took every opportunity I could throughout my career to learn as much as I could about the industry.

Learning and education are two things Randy is passionate about, they’re also something he attributes for his growth and advancement at MCAP over his tenure. As he explains, “I took every opportunity I could throughout my career to learn as much as I could about the industry — even if it wasn’t something that impacted my particular role.” His continual thirst for knowledge has helped him learn the ins and outs of the business first-hand. “I always felt like the more you know about the overall operation, how the industry, and how the company works, the better able you are to make sound decisions, understand the impact and the interaction between different business units, and ultimately improve processes along the way.”

I’m fortunate to be in a position to give back and share knowledge.

In addition to gaining knowledge, he’s also passionate about sharing knowledge too – it’s one of the ways he serves people and brings Blue Culture to life in a tangible way. “At this point in my career, since I’ve been here for a while, I’m fortunate to be in a position to give back and share knowledge and it gets me excited,” says Randy. “I love presenting and meeting with classes of new hires. Even team meetings where I can share information and help people better understand what it is we do, why we do it, and the value that their role brings to the organization motivates me every day.”

I know that by working collaboratively with my team and my co-workers, we’re going to come up with a better solution than what I may come up with on my own.

Blue Culture is about serving people and putting them first in everything we do, and Randy will be the first to admit that working together is one of the best ways to get that done for our brokers, homeowners, and residential mortgage outsourcing partners. “I know that by working collaboratively with my team and my co-workers, we’re going to come up with a better solution than what I may come up with on my own.”

As he nears 25 years with the organization, Randy continues to hold on to the principles that got him where he is today. Through continued learning, sharing knowledge and fostering relationships, he hopes to keep building MCAP and his team to fully embody Blue Culture.

Discover how we embody Blue Culture